Environment Social Governance

Some ESG explanation

For those on a journey toward creating a brighter, more responsible future for their companies and the world, a crucial step begins with embracing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. ESG isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a transformative force that can shape the destiny of businesses and the planet.

Navigating the ESG Landscape: A Roadmap for Purpose-Driven Decision-Making

You will regularly come across the abbreviation ESG on our website, in blogs, documents and presentations. ESG is the abbreviation for Environment Social Governance. Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance refers to three central factors in measuring sustainability and social impact of an investment by a company. ESG criteria help to better determine future financial performance of companies (return and risk).

Commonly used terms in the financial services industry are: sustainable finance, green finance – or lending, sustainable finance, ESG and ethical investing. Outside this service sector other terms are used such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Triple Bottom Line, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Green, ESG, etc. Most of these words are used without common agreement.

In this explanation, we embark on a voyage of discovery, exploring the profound impact of ESG integration and how it can help businesses thrive while contributing to a more sustainable and responsible world.

Understanding the ESG Universe

ESG issues were first mentioned in the 2006 United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) report, comprising the Freshfield report and Who Cares Wins. Over the years, the emphasis on ESG has increased. Large institutional investors are increasingly making it clear that they expect the companies in which they invest to adhere strongly to ESG criteria. Today ESG is used in many sectors as it puts the environment, climate and social elements on the agenda in addition to economic matters.

ESG, an acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance, represents a holistic approach to business sustainability. It’s about recognizing that a company’s value extends beyond its financial bottom line. It encompasses how a company manages its environmental impact, engages with its communities, and governs its operations. For those in search of purpose-driven decision-making, it’s crucial to understand the three pillars of ESG:

  • Environmental: This dimension involves a company’s environmental practices, such as reducing carbon emissions, minimizing waste, and conserving natural resources. By adopting eco-friendly practices, businesses can not only reduce their environmental footprint but also enhance their long-term resilience.
  • Social: The social aspect of ESG focuses on a company’s relationships with its employees, customers, and communities. It emphasizes diversity and inclusion, labor practices, and community engagement. It’s about creating a workplace where employees thrive, customers are valued, and communities benefit.
  • Governance: Governance refers to the systems and processes that ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct within a company. Effective governance can help businesses make sound decisions, mitigate risks, and build trust among stakeholders.

The Integrated Thinking Paradigm

Integrated Thinking is the cornerstone of ESG integration. It’s about connecting performance with purpose, aligning business strategies with sustainability goals, and ensuring that every decision contributes to long-term value creation. For those who are on a mission to achieve sustainability, it’s a paradigm that can transform businesses. It’s not merely a theoretical concept; it’s a practical guide to success.

Integrated Thinking means that every department, from finance to operations, understands the role it plays in achieving sustainability objectives. It’s about viewing sustainability as a driver of innovation, a source of competitive advantage, and a catalyst for growth. For those on this journey, it’s an opportunity to inspire their organizations to think holistically and prioritize sustainability in every decision.

The Power of Integrated Reporting

Integrated Thinking leads to Integrated Reporting. Integrated Reporting is a communication process that results in a concise, transparent report that explains how an organization’s strategy, governance, performance, and prospects create value over time.

The World Economic Forum (WEF), the International Business Council (IBC) and the Big Four (Deloitte, PwC, KPMG and Ernst & Young) are accelerating the ESG transformation through the adoption of a set of standardized metrics. Their goal is to provide companies with an organized framework to report their results in a new “stakeholder capitalism” approach. The current ESG challenge is to implement consistent and transparent reporting for financial and non-financial measures that is consistent across every industry sector.

In addition, there are initiatives, such as Integrated Reporting <IR> from IIRC. This framework helps companies consider key corporate capitals (Financial, Manufactured, Intellectual, Human Capital, Social & Relationships, and Nature) in order to generate “integrated” reports. Such reports are a starting point for companies to better understand their business impact on ESG elements in order to improve them, and provide stakeholders with a comprehensive view of the company’s ESG journey.

Integrated Reporting goes beyond traditional financial reporting by incorporating non-financial data that matters to ESG. It tells the story of a company’s commitment to sustainability, its impact on the environment and society, and its plans for the future. For those on this journey, these reports can be used to measure progress, demonstrate accountability, and engage stakeholders.


ESG clearly converges business elements and sustainability. This is the reason why Greenaumatic often uses the ESG abbreviation and we often use a more simplified explanation.

  • E: considers how a company performs as a steward of nature
  • S: examines how a company manages its relationships with employees, suppliers, customers and the community
  • G: deals with how a company is governed.

As you continue your mission to influence positive change within your organization, remember that ESG is not a destination but a journey—a journey towards purpose-driven decision-making. By embracing ESG principles, Integrated Thinking, and Integrated Reporting, you can align your company’s performance with its purpose, contributing to a more sustainable and responsible future.

ESG is not a burden but an opportunity—a chance to make the world a better place, one purpose-driven decision at a time. It’s a roadmap for businesses like yours to thrive while leaving a positive legacy for generations to come. So, as you navigate the ESG landscape, remember that every step you take is a step toward creating a brighter, more responsible future—for your business and the world.

Download our ESG Journey infographic


Read more:

The Power of ESG: Driving Sustainable Change from Within

How does your sustainable journey begin?

Finding your way in the world of ESG guidelines

Your sustainability journey starts here!


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