Privacy and Cookies

Privacy Statement

Your privacy is very important to us. This means we save your data securely and ensure it remains properly protected at all times. We tell you what we do with your data when we use it respectfully to improve our service to you.

We start from the principle that everyone has control over his or her personal data, and everyone is entitled to not share it with us or stop sharing it with us. This privacy declaration states what personal data we can collect from you, how we use this data, and who we might share it with. We explain what we do to protect your privacy, how you can have your say, and what checks are carried out to ensure compliance with this declaration.

This privacy declaration is applicable for the collection, management, use and sharing of your data by Greenaumatic B.V., registered at the Chamber of Commerce under the number 80237673. This privacy declaration should be read in conjunction with our cookie policy. See text below. We can modify our privacy declaration at any time, and communicate this via where we will also make the latest version available. This privacy declaration was reviewed and last modified on 19 October 2020.

Our contact details:
Greenaumatic B.V.
Lange Beekstraat 73
3817 AM, Amersfoort
The Netherlands

When is this declaration applicable?

This privacy declaration is applicable when you visit our websites, contact our sales and marketing employees, or send us an application. By visiting our websites, contacting our sales and marketing employees, or sending us an application, you consent for us to collect your personal data and use it as described in this privacy declaration.

If you use our websites unlawfully, we reserve the right to process your data. This is the case, for example, if you violate the conditions of use or property rights, or threaten the security of our websites or service provision.

What data do we collect?

We collect your data to be able to provide and improve our services, and to inform you about our activities, promotions, or the products and services you have purchased. You provide some of this information to us directly, for example via forms on our website, with your business card, when placing orders, or in your email correspondence with us. We also obtain some data from companies that trade in mailing lists and add information to your data which they are allowed to. Or we gain this information via cookies on our websites.

We distinguish different types of personal data. This enables us to propose and offer our products and services:
– User data: we can use this to identify or contact you. For example: your name, address, phone numbers, preferred language, gender, email addresses, contact details on social media;
– Usage data: information about interactions, such as your participation in our campaigns and use of our websites;
– Traffic data: we need this technical information, such as your IP address, to ensure our electronic communication runs smoothly;
– Sensitive data: we do not process any sensitive data.

Why do we collect this data?

We process personal data for various reasons, whereby we only ever process the data required for the purpose intended. With your permission, where it is required, we collect your personal data for the following specific purposes:

– To process your requests about our products and services.
When you visit our websites or are in touch with our sales and marketing employees to collect or request information about our products and services, or when you subscribe to our newsletter, for example, we need your address. We then use all the information we receive about you to provide you with the information you request, in the manner you indicate.

– To offer you the best service.
We keep your records to improve our customer service. We need this information to set up, maintain and support our products and services correctly. This means we can contact you for the next step in our collaboration, or to request feedback about our services. We also need to be able to inform you about any technical problems or disruptions on our side.

– To inform you about our products, services and activities.
We can use your data to inform you about new and existing products, services, special offers, workshops, events, webinars, training and vacancies, amongst other things, to provide you with direct marketing or create a profile for you so that we can inform you about things we think will be of interest to you. We can do this in writing, electronically or by phone. We also use your data for the newsletters you subscribe to. You will only receive communication by email if you have given your explicit permission for this, where this is required. We can also analyse your browsing and reading behaviour, and create content for our websites or newsletters to match your preferences. We do this by registering your visits and the activities that take place, for example the pages you view and the links you click on. This also makes it easier for us to give you the information you’re looking for.

– To process your application.
If you apply for a vacancy with us, we need your contact details and information about your career to contact you and process your application. Your application details can only be accessed by people who need it to perform their tasks. We never share your application information with companies or people who are not part of our company or group, unless you explicitly agree to this.

Who manages your data?

All personal data is managed by Greenaumatic B.V. The data is only accessible to people within Greenaumatic B.V. who need it to perform their tasks.

We also use external processors. This means, among other things, that we temporarily provide data to third parties if they need it for specific tasks when we do not have the resources to do this ourselves. In this case, we always ensure that your data is handled confidentially and used securely by agreeing this contractually with the processors. This means a processor will never be able to use your data for their own initiatives, and your data must be deleted as soon as a processor has completed their task. Except for Google which uses the standard contract clauses, our external processors do not process personal data outside of the European Union.

We can pass your personal data on to any legal successors and affiliated organisations, such as subsidiaries and sister companies, for the same purposes as stated in this privacy declaration. We work with third parties or hire contractors for some aspects of our products and services. Your data is only passed on for the same purposes as agreed with Greenaumatic B.V. itself. We make sure that they manage your data securely and respectfully in the same way we do.

In some cases we use anonymous, aggregated data for commercial purposes or external reporting. This data can never be traced back to a specific individual.

We never sell or lease your data to companies or people who are not part of our company or group. We treat your data as confidential information.

If we provide personal data to third parties in any other way, this is always done with explicit communication to provide information about the third party and the purposes for passing it on and processing it. Where legally required, we ask for your explicit permission. You always have the option to object to this.

How do we secure your data?

We provide maximum protection for your personal data and privacy. Our employees are trained to deal with confidential data correctly. We employ people who are responsible for the security of our infrastructure, and we purchase specialist services to ensure the security of our IT infrastructure. We also take all sorts of technical measures to protect your personal data. Should a data breach occur with unfavourable consequences for your personal data, you will be personally informed under the conditions required by law.

Our websites sometimes contain links to third-party sites that have usage conditions which do not fall under the scope of this privacy declaration. Among other things, this includes the embedded videos from YouTube that you watch. Please read their policy carefully with regard to protecting your personal data.

Looking at, correcting or deleting data?

You are entitled to access your data. If we process your personal data, you can ask us what we process it for, which categories of data we process, which categories of third parties we share your personal data with, what the origin of the processed data is, and what logic we use if we process certain personal data automatically.

You can exercise your right to access your personal data in writing, to the attention of Greenaumatic B.V, Lange Beekstraat 73, 3817 AM, Amersfoort, Nederland or by e-mail to
We have 30 days to respond to your request. This period starts when we receive your request in writing and have all the information available required to fulfil your request.

We can ask you for proof of your identity when you wish to exercise your right to access your personal data, and to prevent any unauthorised publication of your personal data.

You are also entitled to have any incomplete, incorrect, inappropriate or outdated personal data corrected or deleted. You can always contact us by email or post for this. We will then always modify this information within the legally set periods. Please take into account that we can then sometimes no longer offer you some services, depending on your request. We also cannot always delete the requested data, for example because we are legally required to retain data for a certain period. To keep your data up to date, we request you to inform us of any change.

No direct marketing?

You are entitled to object to your personal data being used for direct marketing without giving any reason. You can contact us by email or post for this.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We take care to ensure appropriate organisational and technical measures to secure personal data. We may not store personal data for longer than is necessary to fulfil the purpose we collect it for. The storage period can therefore differ per purpose. Upon completion of the applicable storage periods, personal data is fully anonymised or deleted. We process user data for a maximum of ten years or until ten years after the last operational customer contact between us, or a maximum of 26 months for traffic data.


We are always here to provide appropriate answers to any questions you may have about our privacy policy, or if you want to contact us to modify your data. You can contact us by email, in writing or by phone using the contact details below. You can also use these contact details to submit a complaint which we will process correctly as quickly as possible. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can always contact the relevant authorities and, more specifically, the Data Protection Authority. Contact details are available on their website.

Our contact details:
Greenaumatic B.V.
Lange Beekstraat 73
3817 AM, Amersfoort
The Netherlands


Cookie policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that are stored when you visit this website. The cookies allow you to keep track of your actions or preferences. Most web browsers accept cookies. However, users can set their web browsers to block the use of cookies or to delete cookies whenever desired.

Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which the cookie came, how long the cookie will be stored, and a value, usually a randomly generated unique number. Some cookies are deleted as soon as you close your web browser (so-called session cookies), other cookies are retained and help us to identify you as a visitor to our website (so-called persistent cookies).

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies for various purposes on our website. Cookies are used to enable you to use our website more easily. They allow us to better tailor our website to your interests and needs. We also use them to increase the speed of your activities on the website. Through cookies, we collect anonymous aggregated statistics that allow us to better understand how our website is used and how we can improve our services.

Which cookies do we use?

We use so-called first party cookies and third party cookies. First party cookies are cookies that are created by the website itself to allow you to use the website more easily. Third party cookies are created by others. Third party cookies on our website come from Google, and WordPress. When you watch an embedded video, you may be activating third party cookies from YouTube.

We use the Google Analytics software to better understand how you interact with our website. This software may create a series of cookies to collect information and report anonymous statistics about the website. The main cookie used by Google Analytics is the cookie _ga.

We also use the following types of cookies:

Analytical and performance cookies, with which we analyze web traffic, view the number of users of our website and how visitors use our website. We use the following cookies for this: “_ga”, “_gat” and “_gid” from Google.

– Functional cookies, they save the choices you made on our website, which makes the website more user-friendly. We use the following functional cookie: “_icl_current_language” from WPML for WordPress.

Targeted cookies, which collect information about the pages you have visited and the links you have followed so that online advertising can be tailored to your interests. The following targeted cookies can be activated when viewing an embedded video on YouTube: “1P_JAR”, “APISID”, “CONSENT”, “HSID”, “NID”, “SAPISID”, “SID”, “SIDCC” and “SSID “. If you are not watching an embedded video from YouTube, these cookies will not be activated.

How can you manage or delete cookies?

You can block or delete cookies at any time via the settings of your web browser. Blocking cookies can affect our services and the use of our website. Deleting cookies may require you to re-enter your preferences the next time you visit our website. For more information about blocking and deleting cookies, see your software vendor’s documentation, such as Apple Safari , Google Chrome < / a>, Microsoft Edge </ a > and Mozilla Firefox .